cant wait to buy a new i know how other teachers feel when they r making's fun u know!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Vowel 'a' : short 'a' sound
cant wait to buy a new i know how other teachers feel when they r making's fun u know!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Kemudahan Awam + Institusi Awam
Salam Aleik to all readers!
Feel free to grab all these not-so-cool flash card yet so useful that i made for 'Kemudahan Awam' and 'Institusi Awam' theme..i combined these two theme because of the similarities..(actually i dont really know the differences..heee)..Dont worry, they are all FREE!!(all the flash cards r in Malay, soon to be in English, i hope)
enjoy the flash cards!
english version in d house..
Feel free to grab all these not-so-cool flash card yet so useful that i made for 'Kemudahan Awam' and 'Institusi Awam' theme..i combined these two theme because of the similarities..(actually i dont really know the differences..heee)..Dont worry, they are all FREE!!(all the flash cards r in Malay, soon to be in English, i hope)
enjoy the flash cards!
english version in d house..
right click and open in a new tab or open in a new window k!
brilliant aulad 2011,
institusi awam,
kemudahan awam,
Friday, September 30, 2011
Raya Sudah Pun Berlalu
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Photoshooting Session..
Salam Aleik everyone!!so, how's ur Ramadhan going on?
Brilliant Aulad ramai juga yg berpuasa tp xkurang juga y berpuasa di sekolah tapi pesta makan di rumah..ngehehe..
Bulan Ramadhan ni kami mengambil kesempatan utk ambil gambar graduasi..hee..cepat2 sket supaya tidaklah terkejar-kejar di akhir tahun nati..
Gamba dr cameraman xdpt, have a peek at our pics yg diambil dr hp cikgu je..a peek je taw!hehe
d boys were wearing songkok wit flower on d top..we didnt use our mortarboards due to serious damage of them..cikgu dh xmo baiki mortarboard tu..hee
Brilliant Aulad ramai juga yg berpuasa tp xkurang juga y berpuasa di sekolah tapi pesta makan di rumah..ngehehe..
Bulan Ramadhan ni kami mengambil kesempatan utk ambil gambar graduasi..hee..cepat2 sket supaya tidaklah terkejar-kejar di akhir tahun nati..
Gamba dr cameraman xdpt, have a peek at our pics yg diambil dr hp cikgu je..a peek je taw!hehe

Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Minggu ni kami sume tema Buah-buahan..minggu ni kami buat mcm2..almaklumla jarang2 je buat aktiviti mcm ni..asek nak kena blaja baca je,kan..ngehehe..jom kite tgk gamba Brilliant Aulad yg sempat cikgu ambil..
Hari Pertama..

jom lukis dulu buah anggur gune pembaris yg ade bulat2 pelbagai saiz..pastu buat tangkai n daun..

lepas siap lukis anggur, kite buat grape salad plak..atau salad anggur..heh..buah anggur +ayam goreng yg dh disiat2 kecil+mayonis yg digaul rata..pastu makan!*salad ni hasil tunjuk ajar rakan preschool troopers..cik anem n puan juliea..
hari seterusnyaa...mari buat Jus Tembikai!!

potong2 dulu tembikai jd kecik2 supaya senang nak kisar..

gilir-gilir potong tembikai..

ohkay..jom blend!setiap sorg bleh petik button blend ye..isi air+gula+tembikai yg dh dipotong tadi..

jom minum sama2!..
hari ketiga kami kaji rupe buah naga dan isinya yg purple tu..pastu makanla ape lagi..
Hari Jumaat..jus Epal pulakk!! maafla cikgu lupa ambil gambar..cikgu pun dh sm2 excited buat jus tu..ngehehe..
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Farm Animals & Pets
Monday, May 16, 2011
Happy Teacher's Day!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
We Love Sand Arts!
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