Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kemudahan Awam + Institusi Awam

Salam Aleik to all readers!

Feel free to grab all these not-so-cool flash card yet so useful that i made for 'Kemudahan Awam' and 'Institusi Awam' theme..i combined these two theme because of the similarities..(actually i dont really know the differences..heee)..Dont worry, they are all FREE!!(all the flash cards r in Malay, soon to be in English, i hope)

enjoy the flash cards!

english version in d house..

 right click and open in a new tab or open in a new window k!


Cik Nuyu said...

salam cikgu ain.. sy amik gmbr2 yg cikgu buat... thkz cikgu sbb share benda2 nie... :) semoga apa yg cikgu share ni, dapat mmbantu murid2 prasekolah

Anonymous said...

assalam minta share guna bahan cikgu ye..minta dihalalkan. semoga dgn sumbangan cikgu akan memberi manfaat buat anak murid sy.t.kasih.

Annasehah said...

Sy nk share juga said...

Saya mohon share kad bergambar ini ya. Terima Kasih